Eakin Creek Canyon Provincial Park

This small park includes a short section of Eakin Creek which contains a waterfall, a canyon, an arch through which the stream passes, and an idyllic stretch where the stream’s banks are lined with cedars, firs, birch and other trees.  At any time of the year, no matter what the water level, visiting this little park restores the spirits as I am sure many others have discovered before me.

The Rock – Eakin Creek Canyon Provincial Park – Derek Chambers
Eakin Creek Canyon and Falls - DSC4091- ©Derek Chambers
Eakin Creek Canyon and Falls – DSC4091- ©Derek Chambers

May 2016

In the Spring, the water level is too high to reach the falls, the way being blocked by a large protruding rock abutment.  To get around it, one would have to clamber well out into the stream’s rushing torrent, with nothing to hold onto, putting oneself in danger of losing footing and balance on the hidden boulder strewn stream bed and being washed away.

Nevertheless, there is much to be seen and photographed in the lower stretches of the canyon, particularly when that beautiful Spring shade of green is everywhere.

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